Onion is one of the major sources
of various biologically active phytomolecules, e.g., phenolic acids,
flavonoids, cepaenes, thiosulfinates and anthocyanins (Singh
et al., 2009). The major flavonoids found in the dry peel of the
onion, which has usually been considered to be waste, contain
large amounts of quercetin, quercetin glycoside and their oxidative
products, which are effective antioxidants against the lethal effect
of oxidative stress
Onion is one of the major sourcesof various biologically active phytomolecules, e.g., phenolic acids,flavonoids, cepaenes, thiosulfinates and anthocyanins (Singhet al., 2009). The major flavonoids found in the dry peel of theonion, which has usually been considered to be waste, containlarge amounts of quercetin, quercetin glycoside and their oxidativeproducts, which are effective antioxidants against the lethal effectof oxidative stress
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