4. Conclusions
In this study, the suitability of coir fibers as an alternative material in making pulp and paper were investigated
and obtained. Several conclusions were drawn from the result analysis. Coir fibers are characterizedas short fibers
with an average length of 0.84 mm, 20.09 μmin width, 13.59 μm in lumen width and 4.41 μm in cell wall thickness.
They have felting power comparable to hardword, have good flexibility and Runkel ratios, which can yield pulps
with an acceptable tear, burst and tensile indices. Coir fiber cooked using Soda-AQ pulping trials have been found
affected and increased in terms of their physical properties by the addition ofactive alkali concentration and the
extension of cooking time (exception for opacity and light scattering coefficient). The strength properties cannot
further be improved when coir cooked with 22% active alkali for 150 minutes. The strongest coir paper was
311 Nor Mazlana Main et al. / Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2 ( 2014 ) 304 – 311
produced with Soda-AQ pulping condition of 22% active alkali with L:M ratio of 8:1 with 0.1% AQ and cooked for
120 minutes at 170