COMAP with UWCSG are developing a Web-based
system with the Save the Oak Ridges Moraine Coalition
to provide citizens of the 35 communities on
the Moraine with an ability to monitor development
approvals in each community on the Moraine with a
view to ensuring compliance with the Act.
Obviously these systems require access to open data
such as zoning bylaws, amendments to those bylaws
and the minutes of community council meetings to
ensure that the Moraine Act is being followed. Bylaws
are a particularly difficult form of open data as they
tend to grow erratically as amendments are piled
upon amendments for areas or specific properties.
COMAP with UWCSG has also developed a Webbased
system for the Caring for the Moraine project
of the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation. The Caring
for the Moraine project enables 30 conservationminded
organizations to offer land-owners technical
advice and access to various resources to undertake
projects on their properties that help protect and
restore the Oak Ridges Moraine. Land owners are
able to access this information and also determine
the land use designation, conservation priorities and
available conservation resources for their properties.
The system also supports communication among the
various concerned groups who will be able to publish
and post their news, events, exemplar projects and
photos securely to a temporally and spatially searchable
collaborative map of the Oak Ridges Moraine