At the next
sampling date (3 October), chlorophyll concentrations reached 20.0 jig Chi I"1
-3-fold the multi-year average for this season. Chlorophyll levels remained high
and approximately constant during a protracted period of calm until October 21,
then began to decline after a strong wind event. By early November, chlorophyll
concentrations were similar to the multi-year (1972-1993) average (6.9 ug Chi
). Similarly, chlorophyll levels in 1995 were much higher than the long-term
average (327 ± 85 ug Chi I"1
) during the Peridinium bloom (634 and 577 |ig Chi
, respectively) but, in contrast to 1994, remained similar to long-term averages
throughout the summer and fall months of 1995.
Chlorophyll concentrations measured at optimum depth and integrated over
the water column to 15 m are shown in Tables III and IV, respectively.