A grievance mechanism allows workers and communities to lodge suggestions or complaints related to the workers’ or communities’ rights.
It can also be used as a communication channel to prevent harmful incidents from taking place.
Setting up an internal grievance mechanism and/or joining an existing external one are both possible and both can be effective.
To learn more about this topic, see BSCI System Manual Part V - Annex 4: How to Set up a Grievance Mechanism.
Written Procedure: The auditee ensures that the written procedure for the grievance mechanism defines:
o A person responsible for its administration
o Potential conflicts of interest and how to overcome them (e.g. if a grievance is against the person who administers the mechanism)
o Timelines to address grievances
o Processes for “appeals” and escalation, which provide additional guarantees that the auditee will address the grievance
o Communication processes to ensure that workers and community members have access to the grievance mechanism. This includes workers representatives, seasonal, migrant, temporary, young and female workers
o Alternative ways for lodging a complaint. For example, through a workers representative or directly to the management
o Record system of lodged grievances, including how they were investigated and addressed
o Regular surveys on user satisfaction with the grievance procedure