An intangible asset is recorded at cost when purchased. Intangibles are then separated into those with limited lives or indefinite live. If an intangible has a Limited life, its cost is systematically allocated to expense over its estimated useful life through the process of amortization. If an intangible asset has an indefinite life meaning that no legal, regulatory, contractual, compete tie, economic, or other factors limit its useful life-it should not be amortized. (if an intangible with an indefinite life is later judged to have a limited life, it is amortized over that limited life.)Amortization of intangible assets is similar to depreciation of plant assets and the depletion of natural resources in that it is a process of cost allocation. However, only the straight-line method is used for amortizing intangibles unless the company can show that another method is preferred. The effects of amortization are recorded in a contra account (accumulated amortize-tion). The gross acquisition cost of intangible assets is disclosed in the balance sheet along with their accumulated amortization (these disclosures are new. (The eventual disposal of an intangible asset involves removing its book value, recording any other asset(received or given up, and recognizing any gain or loss for the difference.