2.5. Shrimp and tomato growth
for phosphate.
Throughout the study, samples of 100 shrimp from each tank were weighed (and returned to tanks) weekly with a digital balance to determine the weight gain (±0.1 g). The shrimp were weighed at harvest. The final survival and biomass were determined by individually measuring the weight of the shrimp at harvest. The feed conversion ratio FCR (the total amount of feed delivered by the shrimp relative to the wet weight gain in shrimp biomass) was calculated as (Smith et al., 2002) FCR=FI/W, where FI is the feed intake on a dry matter basis (g) and Wis the wet weight gain in shrimp biomass (g). At harvest, the plants were measured from the roots to the apex of each plant, and the plants were weighed. The fruits were weighed and counted.