Total Quality Management (TQM)
Not only physical attributes of a product are related by Total quality management, customer satisfaction and the levels of service provided are also related. In the customer point of view it is not that the product should have desired feature, in addition to that the product should be available in a suitable manner and on time. Hence key importance of logistics management is total quality. Total Quality Management involves all the internal and external members to the supply chain to meet all the customer requirements at the lowest achievable cost. Apple Inc can implement Total Quality Management with the commitment and support from the top management by maintaining a customer centric focus in all of its services, products and processes.
4.2 Quick Response (QR)
To improve the active logistics strategy Apple Inc can adopt Quick Response approach too. The distribution process between the organisation and the suppliers is focused in Quick Response. By using this approach Apple Inc can improve the speed of inventory replacement through closely understanding and monitoring the customer buying patters. To implement the QR Apple Inc has to share its sales details with suppliers for specific products across its supply chain to assist the availability of the right level inventory when and where it is required.
4.3 Agile Supply Chain
Responding to the end customer demands is focused in Agile Supply Chain, hence it is customer responsive. These supply chains are demand driven not forecast drive. These supply chains captures the demand data directly and benefit from understanding the variations in demand and these are fast supply chains in terms of responding to the demands of market. Apple Inc can improve its slow activities and respond quickly to its dynamic customer demands by adopting Agile Supply Chain