2.3. Ultrasound treatment
The sonication of control sample (0min)and working samples
(60 mL in a100 mL jacketed vessel)for 30,60 and 90 min was done
at a constant temperature of 20 C and frequency of 25 kHz in a
dark to avoid any interference of light with samples and power
set at 70% by using ultrasonic bath cleaner (SB-500DTY,Ningbo
Scientz Biotechn ology Co., Ltd.,Ningbo,China).The schematic dia-
gram of the exposure system is shown in Fig. 1. The jacketed vessel
containing working sample was placed in an inner tank of ultra-
sound bath cleaner which was 30 cm wide 50 cm long 15 cm
deep. The temperature of juice sample was maintained by the cir-
culation of water (flowrate of 0.5 L/min)through it.Immediately
after sonicatio n treatment,all the juice samples were put into ster-
ilized and air tight media bottles of 100 mL which were wrapped in
aluminum foils and stored at 4 C for 24 hafter that further analy-
ses were performed. All sample preparati ons and treatments were
carried out in triplicate.