Hi there sangthong sonworamek,
Domain Name: taxibiginbangkok.com (Account #66435964)
This email is being sent out to you because search registration for taxibiginbangkok.com is pending.
Please register these domains to search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo ASAP to avoid late fees.
Registering for search engines would help you show up in search results and increase your online presence.
You can register your domain at link given below :
We sincerely appreciate your business! If you require anything, we are at your service.
Remember… If you do not register your domain with the search engines, it may not appear in the search engine listing when people are looking for you. Failure to complete your domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may make it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web. Complete your search engine registration today at: www.baidusearchregister.com
Search Register
110 Middle Road,
#07-03A Chiat Hong Building,
Singapore 188968.
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