Ye Qingsheng and Ye Ziyi have turned round hastily, a face shocking looked that appears to this suddenly, if the speed quickly the ghosts and demons person, simultaneously in the heart is maliciously suddenly a astonishing speed, opposite party Profound Strength, must dominate above them!! c_t;夜青盛和夜紫义连忙回过身来,一脸震惊的看向这个忽然出现,速度快若鬼魅的人,同时心中更是狠狠的突了一下如此惊人的速度,对方的玄力,必然要凌驾于他们之上!! The present person seems about 20 years old, gold Wenqing a clothes, face ‚color’ tranquil brings ‚cloudy’ to sink.() - 79- they said with one voice: „Who you are!!” 眼前之人看上去20岁左右,一身金纹轻衣,脸‘色’平静中带着‘阴’沉。()-79-两人齐声道:“你是什么人!!” A words exit, they ‚color’ was also also stunned the sensation to the Profound Strength aura face of opposite party, dissipates not to have the trace along with the tense feeling that it just had all of a sudden. Ye Qingsheng below a few words immediately have also despised: „Snort, unexpectedly emits not to know the so-called little rascal.” 话一出口,他们也已感知到了对方的玄力气息脸‘色’同时错愕,随之刚刚生出的紧张感一下子消散无踪。夜青盛的下一句话也顿时轻蔑了起来:“哼,居然冒出个不知所谓的小鬼。” Because of opposite party Profound Strength aura, but is Emperor Profound Realm Third Level. Although on the age of opposite party, such cultivation for enough astonishing, but before them, collapses at the first blow radically, impossible to create to them completely affects or hinders slightly. 因为对方的玄力气息,不过是王玄境三级。虽然就对方的年龄而言,这样的修为足够惊人,但在他们面前,根本不堪一击,完全不可能对他们造成丝毫影响或阻碍。 Studied as for his speed in movement Profound Technique probably or borrowed some type of profound