Employees attending this training had some degree of tenure on the job, albeit small. Because the new
employee orientation is offered once per quarter, and the organization hires employees on a daily basis, most
employees attending new employee orientation training will have already been working at their jobs for a period of
days, weeks, or even months. Furthermore, new employee orientation training is only offered to permanent
employees of the organization. Interns, temporary, or contract employees who are then hired by the organization as
permanent employees may have worked for longer periods of time within the organization before attending new
employee orientation. The response rate for the survey was 111 of 125 (89%). A majority of respondents were
between 30 and 49 years of age. One third of all respondents were between 30 and 39; 27% were between 40 and
49. The majority of the trainees (86%) were male, and most (80%) were Caucasian. With regard to the highest level
of formal education achieved, 18% had completed high school, 23% held Associate degrees, 47% held Bachelor’s
degrees, and 11% held Master’s degrees. Forty percent of respondents had worked at the company for less than three
months, while 22% had worked at the company for more than six months.