Arco Nano Cells are ultrafiltrates of very low molecular weight that have been ecologically procured via the highest safety standards and advance filtration technology with a nominal value of 10kDa and approximately 3 nanometers in diameter.
The final product is suspended in PBS solution (Phosphate Buffered Saline) that protect low molecular weight peptides and contain no preservative, no sugar and no gluten. Arco Nano Cells is a nutritional supplement to be taken orally and for some types could also be use topically.
Arco Nano Cells came in two forms,
1. Nano Cell Filtrates Cosmeceutical Range
Having Youth Restoration features it provides Excellent Skin revitalization and rejuvenation functions. These cell ultrafiltrates skin care include 3 types,
2. Nano Cell Filtrates Therapeutic Range
Revitalize, Regenerate and Anti Age your body. It worked on the principle of 'homing', these cell ultrafiltrates once absorb orally find their ways to the damaged organs (liver cells into liver). Note that all types of Cosmeceutical range are also Therapeutic.
All biological systems in nature are composed of almost identical types of bio-molecules. The amino-acid sequence of a vast majority of proteins in different organisms is similar and generally they perform similar functions. Also very similar is the composition of other types of molecules, in particular those with low molecular weight. They serve for control mechanisms in individual cells and control the relations between various tissue and organ cells.
ARCO NANO Cell Filtrates of nutritional supplements and topical range represents organ-specific ultrafiltrates that consist of peptide molecules obtained from stem cells. Ultrafiltrate’s standardized molecular weight is 10,000 Da (Daltons) or less. They are designed to achieve biological and physiological balance in all the body’s systems: central nervous system, immune system, musculoskeletal system, digestive tract, skin system. In the research and development of its products, ARCO International cooperates with a number of experts in the fields of Cell Therapy, biochemistry and physiology. The research is focused on achieving the highest possible quality of Cell Therapy nutritional supplements. The company is currently working on research and development of additional nutritional supplements for therapeutic and on improving the quality of the authorized products.
History Of Use
Therapeutic challenge of a patient about 40 years ago initiated the development of ultrafiltrates of fetal and juvenile organs. An 8 years old girl sustained deep burn of the upper right side of the body, caused by an explosion of a petroleum stove. A disfiguring hypertrophic scar developed on the neck and face (fig.1). The attempt to eliminate the ½'' thick hypertrophic scar with contracture by applying specially prepared cell extract from fetal skin and placenta was successful.