Activity: Draw a large bottle or jug on your paper. Draw two lines across its center to make three layers in the jug. In the top layer, write three lines describing feelings you feel right now and the reason, such as "Tired because I didn't sleep well last night," or "Nervous because I'm with people I don't know." In the middle layer, write three lines describing feelings you had in the past and the reason, such as "Sad when my dog died," or "Mad when my mother kicked me out of the house." In the bottom layer, imagine you are peering into the depths of your heart without really knowing what is there, so you will try to guess by writing three lines like "Maybe I feel mad because I have no friends" or "Maybe I feel scared because I'm getting old." Try to surprise yourself and write something you didn't expect. Participants are not required to share their bottom layer if it will help them to take more risks in their writing.