In order to provide a quieter riding environment for passengers, sound quality refinement of rail vehicle is a hot issue. Identification of interior noise sources is the prerequisite condition to reduce the interior noise on high speed train. By considering contribution of noise sources such as rolling noise, mechanical equipment noise, structure-borne noise radiated by car body vibration to the interior noise, the synthesized measurement of sound intensity, sound pressure levels and vibration have been carried out in four different carriages on high speed train. The sound intensity and partial coherence methods have been used to identify the most significant interior noise sources. The statistical analysis results of sound intensity near window and floor on four carriages indicate that sound intensity near floor is higher than that near window at three traveling speeds. Ordinary and partial coherent analysis of vibro-acoustical signals show that the major internal noise source is structural-borne sound radiated by floor vibration. These findings can be utilized to facilitate the reduction of interior noise in the future