PIMS began as an internal project at General Electric (GE) in 1960. Fred Borch, then a marketing vice-president and later the CEO, initiated a project to quantify what factors led to success in GE´s diverse businesses, from toasters to turbines, with sales already at $4 billion and expected to more than double in a decade. (They did.) The original computer model, which took five years to develop, was named PROM: profitability optimization model. The data include information on markets, competitors, quality, structure, environment and financial performance. Cross-sectional regression analysis is a favored technique for verifying an hypothesis. A key initial finding was that market share was a major driver to profitability.
Read more: http://www.bridges-ec.com/services/b-market-strategy-fundamentals/2-profit-impact-of-market-share-pims-analysis-by-spi/