The importance and benefits of the conservation and development of silk textile patterns in
creating added value can be applied directly by silk textile producers which will create
awareness, motivation, benefits and extended research. Continued development and research
into innovative techniques and designs will greatly enhance the production and sale of silk
textiles. Provincial administrative organizations, Sub-district administrative organizations,
community members and related individuals can provide support and help promote
conservation efforts and contribute to the development of commercial silk textile productions.
Provincial government offices and cultural centers can utilize the research results and
knowledge in designing and planning the cooperation within related offices in providing a
driving force in the conservation and development of silk textile patterns in the province of
Khon Kaen. The knowledge can be further dispersed and diffused to external groups of
commercial textile producers and to interested individuals who can apply the knowledge in
making silk textiles to further their income. Media correspondents in print, radio and television
should increase their programs and coverage of the history, conservation and development of
locally produced silk textiles. Topics that should receive extended research should include
detailed production processes, production tools, traditional and contemporary raw materials
and designs of textile patterns.