The authors highlight that when one enters the web site (s)he views the publishing image of eight thumbnail format documents. The screens overlap the documents linked to each other by related topics. A group of five keywords (tags) and four types of filters are placed in a squared field centered as an interactive box on the left side of the screen. Whenever one selects an image, an exploratory path is triggered. As the selected image moves toward the center of the screen, the view is completely remodeled, reloading to every click and so do the keywords and the filters’ box. If one filter is chosen and clicked on, another group of relations are also shown in a second level, providing tools to reduce and
facilitate the search and the creation of new associations. On the right side of the screen there is another tool meant to reduce/amplify the options related to the distance among the links related by the graph theory that embody the framework. If a document cannot be reached due to the limits of the screen, it can be brought to a better visualization point by the arrows in this box or, on the contrary, documents placed nearer to the centered of the screen can be enlarged through the tool, zooming the search. With a move of the mouse on the tags displayed on the left of the screen, lines pop up spotting the relations links to the topic. When the mouse is hovered on the zoomed document, other details can be viewed by the opening of another box that displays mixed image/text description and briefly contextualizes the
document. In addition to these actions, the Digital Vaults Experience also allows the user to execute various tasks within the environment through five buttons at the bottom of the screen that once clicked allow interactive actions in the page: collect, backtracking, pathways, search, create.