Following discussion, the Committee agreed to
develop guidance on possible quality control
measures prior to fuel oil being delivered to a ship, and
invited member States and international organizations
to submit concrete proposals to the sixty-seventh
session of the MEPC.
The Committee also approved, with a view to adoption
at its sixty-seventh session:
• “Draft amendments to MARPOL annex VI”
regarding engines solely fuelled by gaseous fuels
(IMO, 2014a, annex 4);
• Draft amendments to regulation 13.7.3 of MARPOL
annex VI and item 2.2.1 of the supplement to
the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP)
Certificate (IMO, 2014a, annex 4). The Committee
also agreed, in principle, to a draft guidance on the
supplement to the IAPP Certificate (IMO, 2014d).