Somatic hybrid validation
Prior to transfer to soil, recovered in vitro plantlets can be
screened by flow cytometry to determine the ploidy level,
using a tabletop Partec flow cytometer (Model D-48161,
Mu¨nster, Germany, or any other suitable model), as previously
described (Khan and Grosser 2004). When using
suspension cultures obtained from newly initiated callus
lines of high totipotency, numerous diploid plants often
regenerate from unfused protoplasts. In such cases, a larger
population of regenerated plants is necessary to recover
tetraploids. Older cultures (usually more than 3 years) tend
to lose their totipotency, and there is generally an increase
in the percentage of tetraploids recovered from somatic
fusion experiments. Tetraploids identified by flow
Somatic hybrid validation
Prior to transfer to soil, recovered in vitro plantlets can be
screened by flow cytometry to determine the ploidy level,
using a tabletop Partec flow cytometer (Model D-48161,
Mu¨nster, Germany, or any other suitable model), as previously
described (Khan and Grosser 2004). When using
suspension cultures obtained from newly initiated callus
lines of high totipotency, numerous diploid plants often
regenerate from unfused protoplasts. In such cases, a larger
population of regenerated plants is necessary to recover
tetraploids. Older cultures (usually more than 3 years) tend
to lose their totipotency, and there is generally an increase
in the percentage of tetraploids recovered from somatic
fusion experiments. Tetraploids identified by flow
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Somatic hybrid validation
Prior to transfer to soil, recovered in vitro plantlets can be
screened by flow cytometry to determine the ploidy level,
using a tabletop Partec flow cytometer (Model D-48161,
Mu¨nster, Germany, or any other suitable model), as previously
described (Khan and Grosser 2004). When using
suspension cultures obtained from newly initiated callus
lines of high totipotency, numerous diploid plants often
regenerate from unfused protoplasts. In such cases, a larger
population of regenerated plants is necessary to recover
tetraploids. Older cultures (usually more than 3 years) tend
to lose their totipotency, and there is generally an increase
in the percentage of tetraploids recovered from somatic
fusion experiments. Tetraploids identified by flow
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..