Ontological engineering as presented at Figure 2 covers all the issues of ontology development and
applications. But it is an unfortunate tradition that technological aspects are much more explored than the
methodological ones. Ontology development still faces the knowledge acquisition bottleneck problem, as it was
described in the work ([13]). The ontology developer comes up against the additional problem of not having
any sufficiently tested and generalized methodologies recommending what activities to perform and at what
stage of the ontology development process these activities should be performed. That is, each ontologist usually
follows his/her own set of principles, design criteria, and steps in the ontology development process. Even the
last decade when some effective tutorials on ontology development were presented ([22], [20]), the absence of
structured guidelines and methods hindered the development of shared and consensual ontologies within and
between teams; the extension of a given ontology by others; and its reuse in other ontologies and final