the DNA migration during electrophoresis step. Table 1 shows the percentage of DNA damage with their respective
score at the IC25 value of Mn.Score 0 have the highest percentage of damage which are 44%, followed by second highest which are score 1
with 22%. 18% of the DNA damage are at score 2 while score 3 and 4 showed lower percentage of DNA damage
which are 10% and 6% respectively. Generally, more than 80% of the comet has noted the score of 0, 1 and 2. Less
than 20% of the comet noted the score of 3 and 4. This has shown that Mn are able to induce mild genotoxicity to
the Acanthamoeba sp. since there are a low percentage of score with 3 and 4 which are considered severe in DNA
damage. This is supported by Nakisah et al. [7] by stating that Score 3 and 4 are considered severe and irreversible,
compared with score 2, 1 and 0. DNA fragmentation related with necrotic and apoptotic cell death may be featured
in increased migration of DNA fragment (comet tail) from the head (nucleus) in comet assay [18]. Though some
metal induces cytotoxicity, they do not necessarily induce genotoxicity. In this study, Mn was found to induce both
cytotoxicity and also mild genotoxicity even at low concentration.