Thanks to the concern that you have for me. This is my long vacation until new year's day. Be relax and it makes me have found with you. You don't have to worry . I'm not judging anyone from the look or appearance. I know the feeling out of heart as you are to me now. We may not even be in the same ages, but we might have a couple should be together in attitudes in perspective. I may be a fire, but it could be water. Every time I read your letter I felt comfortable. Relax, do not worry Thank you for helping to fill what's missing in my life.
At my school, I teaching in work.
I'm a very good Thai cooking. When you arrive in Thailand I'll make you eat
yes Roi Et have many place for dancing we can go there.
I have two brothers They live in their own home in Roi Ed
my birthday id 5th April , same month Darling.
some photos of Sydney, Australia, is very nice I like them , I thought that someday I would have to go there together with you. Hope you like them.