Comrades Pirates, heave-ho! Hoist the sails! The most formidable captain is in sight! That captain that robs all the lasagna shipment, even from Queen Elizabeth's royal vessels by means of pies square in your face? Absolutely! That captain that sails on the Cat o' nine tails with Sea Dog Odie? That's him all right! You've got it? Back in the XVIIIth century, Garfield was a full-fledged pirate with a cat skull on his main sail and prisoners on his deck. And Nermal ? Well, Nermal was what he is: the cutest cat of the universe and the Commodore of Queen Elizabeth. Oh! Her majesty is sending him to the Caribbeans in order to save her lasagna shipments. Commodore Nermal v. Garfield!
Now, who's this Mackookoo? A parrot, of course!
Parrots come with pirates' territory!
When that pirate parrot robs the lasagna and leaves Nermal and Garfield on a deserted island: no pizzeria!
No internet connection!
Full sail ahead! Pirates, privateers, commodores, you are!
The Garfield Show was already on in the XVIIth century in the Caribbeans!!
Garfiels would eat lasagna and Nermal would be... the cutest cat of her Majesty!