between conservation schemes. For instance, whereas 89% of in-
terviewees living near a PA had not participated at any stage in this
conservation initiative, the percentage is lower in communities
with PES initiatives, where only 62% had not participated at any
stage in PES. Contrary to what one would have expected, 77% of
those informants in communities with ICCAs reported no partici-
pation in this type of local conservation initiatives.
Of those people who reported some degree of participation,
there are further differences between the type of conservation
initiative and the stage. Specifically, we found the highest per-
centage of participation in the creation stage of the PES (33%).
Indeed, in both PES and ICCAs, the creation stage displayed the
highest levels of participation. The second most popular phase for
participation seems to be the implementation phase, while the
lowest levels of participation corresponds to the design stage. In the
case of PA, local people are not involved in the creation nor in the
design of management plans, but they may participate in the
implementation of conservation activities. Overall and for the three
types of conservation schemes analyzed, less than 10% of the people
interviewed reported participating in the three stages of the pro-
cess, with the highest percentage for PES (8%), followed by ICCA
(5%). In the case of PA, since people have never participated at the
creation stage, no one reported participation in the entire process.
According to our results and for the three conservation initia-
tives, most people reported passive participation, meaning they
merely attended to assemblies, listened, and voted on topics
relating to the conservation initiatives in such assemblies. Only a
between conservation schemes. For instance, whereas 89% of in-terviewees living near a PA had not participated at any stage in thisconservation initiative, the percentage is lower in communitieswith PES initiatives, where only 62% had not participated at anystage in PES. Contrary to what one would have expected, 77% ofthose informants in communities with ICCAs reported no partici-pation in this type of local conservation initiatives.Of those people who reported some degree of participation,there are further differences between the type of conservationinitiative and the stage. Specifically, we found the highest per-centage of participation in the creation stage of the PES (33%).Indeed, in both PES and ICCAs, the creation stage displayed thehighest levels of participation. The second most popular phase forparticipation seems to be the implementation phase, while thelowest levels of participation corresponds to the design stage. In thecase of PA, local people are not involved in the creation nor in thedesign of management plans, but they may participate in theimplementation of conservation activities. Overall and for the threetypes of conservation schemes analyzed, less than 10% of the peopleinterviewed reported participating in the three stages of the pro-cess, with the highest percentage for PES (8%), followed by ICCA(5%). In the case of PA, since people have never participated at thecreation stage, no one reported participation in the entire process.
According to our results and for the three conservation initia-
tives, most people reported passive participation, meaning they
merely attended to assemblies, listened, and voted on topics
relating to the conservation initiatives in such assemblies. Only a
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