1. Don't leave everything to the last minute. If you study each day instead of cramming it, you'll learn more and the INFORMATION will stay in your mind.
2. Make sure that you have gotten plenty of sleep. You might even want to go to bed earlier.
3. Try to have small breaks when you study. Lie down on a hard surface for at least 10 minutes- if you won't, your backbone will surely be affected.
4. Try to set yourself specific goals.
5. Reward yourself if you do well on the exam. You know whether you will do good or bad by how well you studied.
6. Try to ask your teacher to give you a one paragraph summary on the topic with all the important points, or a set of questions and answers that would help you to memorize the topic in an easy way.
7. Relax when you study. Don't be too nervous.
8. Practice more. Practice makes perfect.
9. Do not get nervous. It's just a test- a small test. It's not your life. Just be calm and casual while preparing for a test. You'll do fine.
10. Understand concepts. There's no need of cramming a particular answer or paragraph. Keep the main points in mind. Just understand it and write it in your own language in the test. It's more appreciated.
11. On the day of the test, don't be over-confident, nervous, or over-excited. It doesn't look good. Be cool and calm and casual.