In B to C model of the e-commerce, customer trust is one of the key success factors. Many experts know
creating and developing secure and reliable process, will be the key of success in Internet shopping. Yet the
meaning of customer trust in e-commerce is still shrouded in mystery convention. The aim of present study is
to examine factors that affecting the formation trust. This research is based on data that obtained through a
survey study. This study establishes factors affecting the attitude of trust in online buying. In this study, the
hypotheses were presented considering the variables were associated with trust and technology acceptance
model that in 1985 by Davis was presented. In this regard, factors were considered in the overall format of the
trustee, trustor and environmental factors to form online trust. Hypotheses were tested by Spss and Amos
software and finally became clear in spite of some of the main factors that do not affect on trust attitude, sub
factors may be affecting on trust formation.
Keywords: Trust Attitude, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use