Abstract— From a path breaking innovation, electricity has
grown into one of the most important factors helping us to
sustain civilization today. The entire world economy is
dependent on technology today. Yet, certain remote areas
are deprived of this basic amenity, either due to the lack of
concern from the authorities or due to the unawareness
about harvesting locally available resources. In this paper,
the challenges faced by one such area are identified and the
issue is solved by utilizing alternate energy source. This
paper describes how rural electrification can be
implemented in a cost-effective manner without
compromising efficiency.
The area under study is located farthest from the existing
power grid and the high expenditure that has to be incurred
in its electrification withdrew the authority from this task.
However the project team formed under the Local
Integrated Network of Kerala IEEE Students identified that
the solar energy can be harvested in the area. All the project
parameters were analyzed in detail and thorough research
was done on the land and its inhabitants. Underground
cables were chosen as the means of transmission.
The project implemented provided electricity for basic
lighting devices. The project can be viewed from a global
perspective, as the characteristics of the area selected are
identical to similar non-electrified regions around the world.