The results of our study showed that irritating symptoms
such as frequency and nocturiawere themost common LUTS
during pregnancy, followed by SUI. A significantly higher
rate of SUI during all three trimesters was found in the
multiparous comparedwith nulliparouswomen; that is, being
multiparous was a predictor of SUI during pregnancy. The
prevalence rates of all LUTS increased with increasing gestational
age except for urinary frequency in the nulliparous
women during the second trimester (Table 3). A limitation
of this study is that we did not use a three-day voiding
diary to evaluate the frequency and severity of LUTS during
pregnancy nor investigate postpartum status. Further studies
are necessary to explore LUTS during pregnancy with more
detailedmeasurements and follow-up for a significant period
of time, whichmay reveal further predictors for LUTS to help
prevent their postpartum occurrence