In week 5, Teacher informed all students in all sections of English for Cultural Communication class that the time for studying was changed to 8 A.M. All students had to go to study together in the large room. I went to the class early because student who arrived late cannot enter to the room. This is the rule of the class and I like this rule so much because it can be the most important lesson of my life. I will always remember that don’t be late with anyone or anything in my life.
The bad situation was happened again. Some students could not hand in the assignment on time. I didn’t know what teacher will do with them, but I could guess that they could not get the good scores from that assignment. Then, teacher told us that some students copied the Reflective Journal from others. It is unforgiving action and senior students should not do. So, Today I learnt 2 bad things from the class that is handing in assignment on time and don’t be cheating by copying others’ assignments.
There were four assignments that teacher gave to us today. But, there were only two assignments that I have to do in this week. First, I had to watch and critique other groups’ videos which they recorded from last week. I shared my ideas with them by my comments. For example, I told them that I agreed or disagreed with them in something, I recommended some ideas from my opinion that I thought it will help their next assignments be better, I told them that I saw some problems and recommended the ways to solve those problems and etc.
Each video has a unique concept. They presented the tourist attractions by different ways. I can saw many creative ideas of them. Watching their videos is very useful because I can improve my listening skill and I can get new vocabularies from each video. More than that, I can know the problems that my group has to solve by reading the comments below my video.
This week was very great. Many activities which I did in this week were very benefit. I know that I am not good in writing English. Sometimes, I commented my friend’s videos with wrong grammar. I know that I have to practice more and more every day. I would like to say thanks for the assignments that teacher gave. It helps me a lot for improving my English skill. Can’t wait to do the next assignments!