of the reef. In total 43 transects and 5 point samplings were taken around Fordata
and at Pulau Nukaha. Begin and end locations of these transects were measured
with GPS. The transect line was marked every 2m. At these marks a 1m quadrant
was placed and photographed. The photographs were analyzed by a coral
specialist to derive species distribution and cover percentage.
Measurement of water quality was done using a submersible remote cosine
receptor attached to the Ocean Optics 2000 via a 10m glass fibre cable. Water
attenuation was measured at depths ranging from minus 1m to minus 9m.
In situ reflectance measurements were made on submerged white sand using a
GER-1500 placed within an underwater housing. The GER 1500 measures the
radiance signal in the 300 - 1100 nm range with a spectral resolution of 3 nm and
an 8 degree optic. A scuba diver positioned the GER 1500 spectrometer ca 50 cm
above the surface. Immediately thereafter, the diver pointed the GER 1500 at a
spectralon 99% diffuse reflectance panel. Wave focusing was avoided by
creating diffuse light conditions by shading the target of interest.
Atmospheric conditions were measured with the sun photometer at the time
the hyperspectral flight took place. These measurements are used for
atmospheric correction of the hyperspectral images.