Kidnapped corner of the entran A roulette room. The night club was small and dark band guitar, piano and drums was playing in a corner Bond and Vesper sat at a table near the door. Bond ordered a bottle of champagne and a breakfast of eggs and bacon. ey sat and listened to the music for a Then Bond turned and looked at Vesper "It's wonderful to be with you," he said. "The job is finished, and it's a lovely end to the da He expected her to smile, but she didn't. Yes, it is," she said. She looked nervous. it's because I was cool to her earlier this evening,' Maybe Bond thought He drank champagne and talked about the day. He spoke about Mathis and Leiter, Le Chiffre and SMERSH I've telephoned Paris from the hotel, esper said. "I've left a message for M about the game This was all she said. She drank her champagne and did not look at Bond. Bond was disappointed. He drank a lot of champagne and ordered another bottle. They ate their eggs and bacon silently. At four o'clock, a waiter came to the table. I have a note for Miss Lynd,' he said He gave Vesper a piece of paper. She read the note quickly. It's from Mathis," she told Bond. "He wants me to meet him at the Casino entrance hall. He's got a message for you He's probably not wearing evening clothes and he doesn't want to come in. I'll only be a minute or two. Then perhaps