I do miss you so much. I send pictures of us together. Seeing us together makes me feel closer to you, hope it does the same for you. I want new pictures of us together!!!!I want to ess pictures of you and me as husband and wife!!!today I helped at the food back. Will help there again tomorrow, but Friday I can not help them because I need to go to the veterans hospital for a check up. I checked my blood pressure a few days ago and it was fine and I am feeling good...I just miss you. Other than that I am fine...I am trying to get parts for my old backnoe, when I get the parts and get it back together, I want to repaint it and get it ready to sell. It is not really worth too much. I will be lucky to get$ 5.000,00 out of it it is 12 years older than you!!!that is old for a backhoe. Most that old has long been in the scrap yard!!!"BaBy" I do vove you with all my heart and I am just living for the day that we will be together forever. I really want you in my life