1. The direction of the magnetic field will vary in some of the experiments, since the radiation particles have a different sign.
2. More careful examination reveals that the scaling of the spectral intensities is not constant in the measured spectra for the following reasons:
(a) the interval width per energy measurement is a momentum window and not an energy window.
(b) the probability of response of the counter tube and the resolution of the spectrometer are energy-dependent. The spectra are as a result distorted, although this does not affect their predictive value in relation to the energies.
3. The greatly intensified background in the 22Na spectrum is attributable to the 511 keV annihilation radiation.
4. The spectra are made up of several fractions in both cases. In conjunction with the limited resolution of the spectrometer, this results in a sytsematic measurement error. The most frequent particle energy is in agreement with the theoretical values for both isotopes within the limits of measurement accuracy.