The researchers surveyed education faculty members from twenty large public research institutions across the United States using a 15-item survey. Designed to take just a few minutes to complete, the survey instrument gathered qualitative and quantitative data. The survey followed a format similar to that used by Robbins, Engel, and Kulp to provide matching data points for a companion article on the generalizability of findings of single institution studies." The authors requested feedback on the survey from several education faculty members prior to sending it out. Survey responses were anonymous and confidential; respondents were not required to answer every question. An e-mail invitation to participate in the survey was sent in October 2010 to approximately 2,878 education faculty members at the selected research institutions. The institutions were selected as a purposive sample, representing different regions of the United States, each a member of the Association of Research Libraries with a top-rated education program according to U.S. News & World Report. E-mail addresses for all education faculty listed on the institutions' websites were gathered by student assistants, including those for tenured and non- tenured faculty, researchers and emeritus faculty, adjuncts, instructors, and lecturers; institutions without an easily accessible website listing of faculty at the time of data collection were not surveyed. Faculty members were given three weeks to respond, and a reminder e-mail was sent after two weeks.