Conclusion From the mentioned points and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a very close relationship between language and culture in general, and a specific language and its culture in particular. That is, culture has a direct effect on language. In fact, the two issues are closely correlated and interrelated. Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community. In other words, language is the symbolic presentation of a culture.
Human being is a social creature. In fact, man is a receiver and sender of messages who assembles and distributes information (Greimas, 1970). Sapir (1956) insists that “every cultural pattern and every single act of social behaviour involves communication in either an explicit or implicit sense” (p. 104).The tool for this communication is language. This study seeks to investigate whether there is any relationship between language and culture, and if so, what the connection between language and culture is. In other words, if there is relationship between language and culture, how they can have this association. To achieve the answer of the above question, some of the main relevant points are introduced and discussed as follows.