sheet date. The regulations for impairment of assets are to be applied. In the event of impairment cases please refer
always to Group Controlling.
4.2 Equity and liabilities
Equity represents what the business owes to its owners. It is also a reflection of the capital left in the business after
assets of the entity are used to pay off any outstanding liabilities. Equity therefore includes the original share capital
contributed by the shareholders, net of dividends, along with any profits or surpluses retained in the entity (retained
Liabilities are present obligations of the company arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result
in an outflow from the enterprise of resources embodying economic benefits. Therefore a liability is an obligation of the
entity to transfer cash or other resources to another party.
4.2.1 Current liabilities
Current liabilities are liabilities that will be repaid during one year or during operating cycle. Where the operating cycle
is longer than one year, a current liability is defined as being payable within the term of the operating cycle. The
operating cycle is the time period required for a business to acquire inventory, sell it, and convert the sale into cash. In
most cases, the one-year rule will apply. Metrohm accounting standard defines current as 12 months duration or less.
Current liability is a present obligation of an entity to transfer economic benefits as a result of past transactions or
events. Contingent liability is a potential obligation that arises from past events whose outcome is based on uncertain
future events. Contingent liabilities should be recognized in the financial statements if the potential obligation is
probable, the amount is determinable or the amount can be reasonability estimated. Contingent liabilities should not be
recognized; if the potential obligation is less than probable, however disclosure should be made unless the possibility of
the transfer of economic benefits is remote. Trade payables
200 Trade payables
20’000 Trade payables 3rd party
20’300 Prepayments 3rd party
20’500 Trade payables Metrohm Group companies
20’550 Trade payables minority shareholder
20’600 Trade payables organs and parties involved
In general, when a company orders and receives goods (or services) in advance of paying for them, we say that the
company is purchasing the goods on account or on credit. The supplier (or vendor) of the goods on credit is also referred
to as a creditor. If the company receiving the goods does not sign a promissory note, the vendor's bill or invoice will be
recorded by the company in its liability account Accounts Payable (= Trade Payables). Trade payables in foreign currency
are translated at closing rate or related hedged rate. Currency differences that arise from unsettled liabilities booked
during the year at a different FX rate at yearend need to be considered in the financial result as financial gains or losses.
The mission of accounts payable is to pay only the company's bills and invoices that are legitimate and accurate. This