Required: Deck of cards, spoons
Players: Three or more players
Object: To collect four cards that match like four sevens or four jacks and/or not be the person without a spoon.
Best for ages 7 and up. Have one spoon fewer than players. If you have four players you should have three spoons. The spoons are placed in the center of the table within grabbing reach of all players. Deal out four cards to each player and dealer keeps the deck. The dealer will start by picking up one card from the deck, looking at it deciding if he wants it and then discards one card from his card. The card he discards is slide facedown to the next player on his left. They will do the same and pass to the next player their discarded card. This is continued until one player has four of a kind; at that time they will take a spoon from the pile. He can keep passing cards until they notice that a spoon has disappeared. There will be a mad rush to get a spoon once they discover that a spoon is missing. The player without a spoon has lost that round. To keep score that player is given the letter S for the word S-P-O-O-N. All players that loose will be given letters to spell out spoon. The player that has survived at the end is the winner.