MDG-F Culture and Development Knowledge Management Project: a closer look
To capitalise on this multifaceted experience, UNESCO is engaged, in partnership with the MDG-F Secretariat, in gathering and building on the knowledge gained from these Joint Programmes (JPs) through their experiences, success stories and lessons learnt, as this is crucial both in terms of knowledge generation and in terms of knowledge capitalisation, in view of informing future culture and development programming and policy.
The Knowledge Management Project for the MDG-F Culture and Development Joint Programmes, whose principles, objectives and contribution are presented here, is part of the effort to contribute and further inform the field of Culture and Development. It is inscribed within the wider strategy of the MDG-F for all eight Thematic Windows, which was launched approximately two years after the establishment of the MDG Fund in 2006. In April 2009, the Convenors of all eight Thematic Windows were assembled by the MDG-F Secretariat; they noted that the knowledge which was being generated by the Joint Programmes across all thematic windows was not only wide-ranging and rich, but also inherently innovative. It was, therefore, commonly agreed that there was both a need and a responsibility to record and capitalise upon the data, knowledge and information generated. Within this context, an MDG-F Knowledge Management initiative was launched and the Convenors of each of the eight Thematic Windows were asked to draw and implement a Knowledge Management Strategy specific to the respective Thematic Window of their mandate and expertise.
Putting in place a knowledge management (KM) system involves enhancing the knowledge generated during the implementation of projects and programmes through a systematic, coherent and predefined approach. This includes the collection, recording, treatment, sharing and dissemination of information and knowledge.