All the 135 parents surveyed give their children medicatimn fever or pain within her eyes (see Table 1) and the report is very clear in their decisions around what medicine to take. bunw to drug use and who they are. Consultation on the use of medications to treat Fener their children or pain at home (see Tsble 2) Tbere not differ significantly in response to the observations of parents from community health centers in. Two examples regitas health when parents were asked to choose how they know that their child has a fever on three Gies straie- report has used the thermometer touch the children and observed changes in bebavior tsee Table 3). Most of the parents (92.4s) ugreed or strongly agreed that drug alitipyretic effective in reducing fever in children Seventy percent of parents have with their children for Pai tuedicalion wrthin previ ous month and 40. % teported drugs within the previous week. To visit health centers comenunity most typical for earaches (348) shelf (34.8%) and / or sore throat (15,69i) In addition, many parents give their children other drugs (uttspecified) pain Q8. 19) seven and her parents reported using pain OTC medicutirns because of the change of vaccination in Behan IOR was by far the parents how to master their knowledge that a child has pain (see Table 3) majority. The Parents (8969 agreed or strongly agrend with statemeni that the drug is effective in relieving paiu of children. When choosing what type crf OTC analgesic / drug antipyrotic to help their children, most parents report. that acetaminopben Is the number one choice (76.3 liters usually manage to leted 2-3 times per day (602 parents) on Good Hope. Approsimately 1 in 3 patent G40t) aditioistered. Single acetaninoplen When fever or pain occumed 4s and only four of the six-volume report by the daily management of fever / pain around one in five of the parents ibuprofen prelerted (18.5 over acetaminophen. For their children. interestingly.their