5. Results
5.1 Problems of Community Enterprises
In studying the problems of community enterprises, researchers divided the issues into four categories: problems
of membership, problems of material resources, problems of goods and products, and problems of marketing
channels, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Problems of community enterprises
Category Problems
Problems of
- Membership is not concerned with community enterprises activities.
- Membership does not participate in management.
- Lack of collaboration with government agencies
- Most community enterprises do not have organized rule and lack discipline.
- Community enterprises committee lack of knowledge of administration and management.
- Most members are older people and as a result can’t work hard.
Problems of
- Most community enterprises do not use local raw materials, so they have high costs to buy
raw materials.
- High cost of machines for production.
- Some community enterprises use natural resources in production. Natural resources cannot
replenish themselves, and community enterprises never grow the forest to compensate. Then
they must use natural resource materials from outside the community (i.e., buy them from
another region).
Problems of
goods and
- Most community enterprises lack packaging and product design.
- Lack of research and product development.
- Most members do not have time for production because they are concerned with working
on farms more than the community enterprise, then they produce the product after
agriculture season.
- Next-generation and youth residents are not interested in having activities and learning
knowledge from community enterprises.
Problems of - Most community enterprises sell their products only in their area, and they do not extend
Internal Factors
Problems of community enterprises
- Marketing
- Knowledge
- Skill
- Production
External Factors
Government support
- Training program
- Financial support
Guideline for Management of
Community Enterprises
www.ccsenet.org/ass Asian Social Science Vol. 11, No. 5; 2015
Category Problems
products to another region.
- They lack knowledge of marketing management.
- The products of community enterprises cannot be competitive against factory products,
which have lower prices and higher standards than products from community enterprises.
- Decline in customer demand for goods and products from community enterprises.