a. Pipelines under railway tracks and across railway rights-of-way shall be encased in a larger pipe or conduit
called the casing pipe as indicated in Figure 1-5-1. Except for plastic carrier pipe, casing pipe may be
omitted in the following locations:
(1) Under secondary or industry tracks as approved by the engineer.
(2) On pipelines in streets where the stress in the pipe from internal pressure and external loads does not
exceed 40 percent of the specified minimum yield strength (multiplied by longitudinal joint factor) of
the steel pipe material, as approved by the engineer.
(3) On gas pipelines as provided in Section 5.2.
b. Pipelines shall be installed under tracks by boring or jacking, if practicable.
c. Pipelines shall be located, where practicable, to cross tracks at approximately right angles thereto but
preferably at not less than 45 degrees and shall not be placed within a culvert, under railway bridges nor
closer than 45 ft. to any portion of any railway bridge, building or important structure, except in special
cases and then by special design as approved by the engineer.
d. Pipelines carrying flammable substances shall, where practicable, cross any railway where tracks are
carried on an embankment.
e. Emergency response procedures should be developed to handle a situation in which a pipeline leak or
railroad derailment or incident may jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline. Local conditions should be
considered when developing these procedures.
f. Where laws or orders of public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then
the higher degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of these specifications.