wrinkle-Free Laundry Week: A five-day program in which Mom"-like demonstrators went to college laundry facilities to educate students about the dos and don'ts of laundry care, including DWR, while providing college students free use of laundry machines. was conducted on twenty-four college campuses in sixty-six dorms at eighty-three laundry facilities during the fall semester, reaching more than 100,000 students with DWR messages. Activities on each campus occurred over a three-week period, with the first two weeks consisting of pre-promotion leading up to the five-day event. We infiltrated the campuses through a guerilla and viral marketing campaign with tar geted messages that appealed to students' clothing beliefs and their def. erence to mothers. To aid in the execution of this program, we part nered with Student Advantage, a college marketing company, to help us obtain permission from the colleges as well as to hire IMs on each cam pus to be our arms and legs. By hiring on-campus IM representatives, we were able to reach other students on a peer-to-peer level. During the pre-promotion, IMs blanketed the campuses with magnets and posters in areas such as laundry rooms, computer labs, dorm community boards, and student unions, as well as on phone booths, bus stations and so forth. IMs handed out flyers and T-shirts, hung doorhangers, sent emails, and chalked sidewalks just prior to WFLW. During WELW demonstrators were stationed in campus laundry rooms during peak laundry hours to provide free use of laundry machines, conduct demon strations, and offer students the opportunity to try DWR themselve