Who can use this?
Individuals can expect the following benefits from Kokei Chamer Wellness programs:
1) decreased overall stress and fatigue
2) migraine, headache, or any other pain
3) improved sexual performance
4) disorder of digestive system
5) reduced high/low blood pressure and hypertension
6) enhanced metabolism and increased weight-loss
7) superior physical fitness for athletes
8) boosted allergy resistance and ultimately cured
9) Lower cholesterol levels
10) strengthened immune system function
11) improve blood circulatory disorder that causes cold head
12) Epilepsy
13) cardiac arrhythmias
Engineering Concept
At higher altitudes, less air means less weight and less pressure; pressure and density of air decreases with increasing elevation, pressure varies smoothly from the earth’s surface to the top of the mesosphere. The data compiled by NASA gives an idea of air pressure at various altitudes (as a fraction of one atmosphere). NASA Hypobaric modified concept, of air compression method using air pumps, pressure sensors and controller to simulate the proportional elevation at each given cases.