The results of the sensitivity experiment STRATIFORM
which considers suppression of warm
precipitation in layered clouds only, shows 9%
(14%) less events of precipitation suppression in
smoke-haze areas during September 1997 (March
1998) compared to INTERACTION. During
March 1998 the convective cloud top height is further
decreased for shallow clouds in the case of precipitation
increase compared to INTERACTION, whereas
it is slightly increased for deep convective clouds.
Also precipitation is increased by 13% due to the
increased available convective potential energy at
the convective cloud base. The model results for the
atmospheric aerosol column burden of STRATIFORM
and INTERACTION are pretty similar in
September 1997 due to the low convective activity
during this month. In short, the results of the
sensitivity experiment STRATIFORM emphasise
that only in the case of stronger atmospheric
instability suppression of warm precipitation in