JDL, PJD and SoSu were dependent of gender (adjusted
OR = 1.26, Table 4)… Temporary employees had
higher social support (p < 0.001). Full-time employees
scored lower in JDL and SoSu (p < 0.001), but higher in
PJD (p < 0.001). 20 % of the respondents reported using
hypnotics or sedatives on a fairly regular basis (more
than once during the week preceding the investigation),
with an equal proportion of men and women. These respondents
were older (43.2 years [SD ± 9.9] versus 40.3
years [SD ± 10.0], p < 0.001). 41 % of the respondents reported
taking analgesics fairly regularly (more than once
during the week preceding the investigation). Among
them, more were women (43 % women versus 39 %
men, p < 0.05) and they were older (41.9 [SD ± 10.1
years] versus 40.3 [SD ± 9.9 years], p < 0.001). Use of
hypnotics or sedatives was significantly correlated to low
JDL (p < 0.001). It was also correlated to a high PJD (p <
0.05) and to a lower SoSu (p < 0.01). Use of analgesic
could be explained by high prevalence of musculoskeletal
disorders. Use of hypnotics could be explained first
by a high level of strain and second by sleeping disorders.
Alcohol intake investigation did not show significant
results, as the survey was incidentally carried out in
the month of Ramadan, when, in accordance with a religious
principle, the use of alcohol is prohibited,
JDL, PJD and SoSu were dependent of gender (adjustedOR = 1.26, Table 4)… Temporary employees hadhigher social support (p < 0.001). Full-time employeesscored lower in JDL and SoSu (p < 0.001), but higher inPJD (p < 0.001). 20 % of the respondents reported usinghypnotics or sedatives on a fairly regular basis (morethan once during the week preceding the investigation),with an equal proportion of men and women. These respondentswere older (43.2 years [SD ± 9.9] versus 40.3years [SD ± 10.0], p < 0.001). 41 % of the respondents reportedtaking analgesics fairly regularly (more than onceduring the week preceding the investigation). Amongthem, more were women (43 % women versus 39 %men, p < 0.05) and they were older (41.9 [SD ± 10.1years] versus 40.3 [SD ± 9.9 years], p < 0.001). Use ofhypnotics or sedatives was significantly correlated to lowJDL (p < 0.001). It was also correlated to a high PJD (p <0.05) and to a lower SoSu (p < 0.01). Use of analgesiccould be explained by high prevalence of musculoskeletaldisorders. Use of hypnotics could be explained firstby a high level of strain and second by sleeping disorders.Alcohol intake investigation did not show significantresults, as the survey was incidentally carried out inthe month of Ramadan, when, in accordance with a religiousprinciple, the use of alcohol is prohibited,
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