„Since has arrived in full, direct, incantation Bumin Khan vicious and merciless, feared late, Chu Feng that friend, can have the matter.” Miao Ren Long said.
„No, we must first to place that before then reached an agreement.” Dugu Xingfeng said.
„Do you also want to go to that village?” Master alliance Head Teacher puzzled asking.
„No, that is not a simple village.” Dugu Xingfeng answered.
„Alone orphaned Head Teacher, although I do not know that what you go to there behavior.”
„But we build up in this now, what is helps Chu Feng, rescues his friend. In my opinion, we must be primarily this matter, what matter if you have, in the future will be managing may not?” Hong Qiang asked.
Although he is not nine potential Head Teacher, has nine potential Head Teacher strengths, therefore he hundred do not have Taboo, Dugu Xingfeng did not fear that anything dares to speak frankly, the disposition is very free and easy.
„The Hong Qiang brother, I understands your Meaning, therefore I said that must go to there, because I go to there, for rescues the matter of Chu Feng friend.” Dugu Xingfeng said.
„Oh?” Hears this words, several people have hesitated, they are not clear, go to incantation Bumin Khan, with the Gu Village of Qingmu domain, has any relations.
„Perhaps matter, you do not know, but I know.”
„In incantation Bumin Khan, some shameful matters and thing, but is shameful, then more cannot the to divulge to an outsider, therefore incantation Bumin Khan, is in nine potentials guards the most stern place, has in nine potentials, most perfect protection formation.”
„These we know.” The master alliance Head Teacher digression said.
„I have not said that I know formerly I said that you know, but then I said that you definitely do not know.”
„Incantation earth Saint meeting, the person, is called the ghost emperor, do you know?” Dugu Xingfeng asked.
„Naturally knows that incantation earth Saint meeting one of the several big Martial Emperor, the ghost emperor can be said as most vicious and merciless, that most resorts to all means that notorious, hand down, who does not know him.” Master alliance Head Teacher said.
„You may know that who the son of ghost emperor is?” Dugu Xingfeng asked once again.
„This” master alliance Head Teacher cannot answer, looked at Hong Qiang and Miao Ren Long, but they the human did not reply that obviously they do not know.
„I can tell you, the son of ghost emperor, is incantation Bumin Khan current Head Teacher, Sang Kun.” Dugu Xingfeng said.
„Unexpectedly is he? Is he unexpectedly the ghost emperor son?” Hears this words, the Miao Ren Long three people somewhat are accidental.
„Ghost emperor this lives, at least has several hundred sons, but these sons, because the martial cultivation intelligence cannot meet his request standard, or was choked to death by him while still alive, teaches while still alive in him.”
„Finally, only remaining a Sang Kun person, therefore Sang Kun receives the ghost emperor to attach great importance , was also liked very much, is regarded as the successor.”
„However now, ghost emperor he not in the incantation earth Saint meets practices, but practices in incantation Bumin Khan, for his son, protects incantation Bumin Khan.”
„Our time goes to incantation Bumin Khan, although rescues a junior, however our status somewhat are special, thinks that you do not want to expose your status, is absolutely safe.”
„Otherwise, carelessly, but is not we are whether bad luck, but will implicate Azure Tree Mountain and master alliance, relations with incantation Bumin Khan.”
„You have what plan, what relations also has with that village?” Hong Qiang asked.
„That is not ordinary village.”
„That will possibly help our village.”
„Might as well spoke frankly, I want to go to that village, please Martial Emperor help us.” Dugu Xingfeng said.
„What? Martial Emperor?” Hears this words, the Miao Ren Long three people somewhat are accidental, appears somewhat excited.
Martial Emperor, although such as nine potential such colossi, have the Martial Emperor powerhouse to assume personal command, but Martial Emperor is Martial Emperor, Holy Land of Martialism most peak exists.
Martial Emperor, does not eat the world smoke and fire simply, is existence of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse , the not to mention common people, in many Cultivator eyes, Martial Emperor such as the god generally is also honored, such character, where is that good please.
But at present, Dugu Xingfeng said that must invite Martial Emperor, this naturally also lets the Miao Ren Long three people, feels a little small excited.
Can fight side-by-side with Martial Emperor, this is a good fortune, let alone, if can really welcome to Martial Emperor, their trip, but can also say really on is, absolutely safe.
„Is it possible that has the senior of Qingmu Saint meeting, in that village?” Hong Qiang asked.