I am highlighting the focus og social media in Thailand, in our case is line or may be facebook.
From the few meetings we had before we know that the line base for our members was increasing from initially 70 to now may be 500 plus, I think it is a good increase.
For us to stay focus on this area, I am writing this and copy to all staff who may be able to contribute ideas or ways to see how we can convince our leaders to use more social media to grow their business, of course our leaders group now is not so easy, but I believe everything can be learn. One of my relative she is 70, but she is using we chat to send pictures and talk about daily life.
May be we need to engage a few leaders to let me know, nowadays to grow the business, besides high touch, we need high tech. Find out what works, and what doesn't work. Focus on what works and keep focusing on it.