The Vietnam National Flag is a red flag in the center are all star-shaped projections 5 yellow gold is a common understanding that means working in Vietnamese society is wise peasant craftsmen and merchants and soldiers, is defined as follows:
The Vietnam National Flag is a red flag in the center are all star-shaped projections 5 yellow gold is a common understanding that means working in Vietnamese society is wise peasant craftsmen and merchants and soldiers, is defined as follows:
The Vietnam National Flag is a red flag in the center are all star-shaped projections 5 yellow gold is a common understanding that means working in Vietnamese society is wise peasant craftsmen and merchants and soldiers, is defined as follows:
Red means the struggle to recover its independence of the Vietnamese
yellow means that the inhabitants of the Vietnam Vietnam National, however, as well as the later in the year B.E. 2519 meaning of the flag is described in the new city that