These Standards take into account how nurses may
utilize nursing knowledge both directly and indirectly.
To ensure nurses continue to provide high-quality
evidence-based clinical care, it is explicitly incumbent on
registered nurses to further their own and others’ knowledge
of the practice of nursing through the interpretation
of all relevant nursing and health care related research/
knowledge, understanding, and its application to
nursing practice through continuing education and Continuing
Professional Development (CPD).
By definition, registered nurse activity is diverse and
may be expressed through paid and unpaid work and can
include time spent as a postgraduate student leading to
an award or qualification that is relevant to the practice
of nursing and/or midwifery (NMBA, 2010). There is no
mention within the national standards that these paid or
unpaid roles need to be undertaken solely within Australia.
As such, any nursing role undertaken can then be
considered as nursing practice regardless of international